Managing Client Expectations While Working Remotely
We’ve talked about managing a remote team given our current situation and offered our best remote management tips based on our many years of experience. But what about the client experience? How can you be agile with your client relationships without compromising integrity at such an unusual time in the work world? Managing client expectations while performing remote work is entirely possible as long as you consider some very important factors.
Constant Contact
Probably the most important rule of thumb when working with clients — whether remotely or not — is you’re unlikely to ever communicate too much. Communication is the driving force in any good relationship. When you’re working with a client, especially in a remote situation, you’ll want to establish trust and reliability. Using frequent communication via email and various messaging platforms will ensure you and your client are on the same page, and they will likely be grateful for the clear and reliable messaging. But, you can also have an open discussion on frequency of communication to ensure a good flow.
This is especially important as you take on new clients. Setting the expectations up front in regards to frequency and modes of communication is key to managing workflow. Also, establishing a point of contact, like a project manager or chief of staff, will further improve efficiency in communications. All of these elements of communication can be configured into a contract, which we will address next.
Clear Contracts
Another aspect that involves clear, direct communication, setting up a detailed and comprehensive contract before you begin working with any new clients or on new projects will lessen the likelihood of conflict and additional work in the long run. Map out expected work and projects with as much detail as possible, like a list of deliverables and deadlines. Get clear on revision caps and how many you’re willing to work with. Confirm communication details like point of contact, mode of messaging and frequency of communications. Last, but not least, be very specific with payment terms.
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Madeleine Niebauer is the Founder & CEO of vChief Virtual Chief of Staff service, which offers part-time and interim chief of staff support to start-ups, nonprofit organizations, and businesses of all sizes.